Day 4 - marching in the rain

Day 4 started out as most great days should. A full English breakfast and a moral boosting interview which reminds us of what we're doing what we have set out to do. And from that we were off too the races. Today's walk was set to be one of the easiest which would be a blessing for those who have walked the whole way and an easing in for the new trekkers.

The day started off brilliantly, sun was shining through the clouds, and the hardest part of the walk would be the start. A steep uphill climb of a height 400 meters followed by a few rolling hills down to a hight of 50m. From there the walk was long and flat there after. What made today special was the incredible views.

Disspite the occasional shower, we stayed in high spirits, however the assent and rolling hills had taken it's toll. If it wasn't for the support of our 2 new Trekkers Divan and Rob the last few miles would have been unbearable but their support and guidance really pulled us together and showed us the value of pulling our heads together and keeping our thoughts positive

To those who think this trek is a casual Sunday stroll through some woods and hills, I'm afraid your in for a shock. Blisters and bruises are a given guarantee of your trying to conquer 20+ miles a day. after a quick pitstop to repair and mend eachother we carried on dispite the rain.

As the trail carried on, the weather got worse, and by the final few miles, the rain began to beat down on us. Cat, dogs and golf balls crashed down around us as we traveled along. But we never let it get to us, we were determined to beat the trail and earn our rest tonight. We finally arrived in Welshpool and managed to settle down for the evening, enjoying the great grub and mentally preparing for the upcoming day tomorrow

The support for this trip has been absolutely incredible. We are so proud to announce that we have raised £4000+ in just today alone and we are now standing at a grand total of £9314 and counting. We are so close to reaching that £15000 goal and we can't wait to smash that goal with your loving support


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